Wednesday, November 17, 2010

UN KILLER PER SUA MAESTÀ - Gianni Marchetti - "The Killer Likes Candy" (1968)

Sometimes after a steady diet of monsters, giallo slashers, and ghostly comedies, it's time for a break, so that brings us to tonight's feature, as they say in France, "Le Tueur Aime Les Bonbons", a movie with the basic theme of Spy Vs. Assassin, or Assassin Vs. Spy, depending on how you want to look at it!

Skewed, Shrewd, and Screwed, there will be dues to pay!!

Bruno Cremer is Oscar Snell, the assassin in a mission on a mission, and a taste for sweets! Bruno had quite an illustrious career, and was Commissaire Jules Maigret in the French TV series "Maigret" from 1991 to 2005! Unfortunately, Bruno just passed away this last August!

WTF?! Is it possible that assassin is the only word in the English language with ass in it twice?

Most of Composer Gianni Marchetti's 35 credits are in Italian, but he also did the scores for "Kill Me Quick, I'm Cold," "The Last Desperate Hours," and "Ready For Anything!" His last film was the 1991 feature "Strepitosamente... flop!"

"The Killer Likes Candy" has it's sexy bits, 1968 Euro style!

Great shot of the star of the film, Kerwin Mathews as CIA Agent Mark Stone!

Veteran Werner Peters is the slimeball Guardino! Werner is a familiar face around here, having been in a bunch of Dr. Mabuse flicks, and other killer German films like "The Phantom of Soho," and "The White Spider" just to name a few!

The killer is smart enough to wear gloves, but dumb enough to litter!!

It's not like I have time to sit around wondering what people's sexual preferences are, because I could really care less, but I'm surprised sometimes by how little I know on any given subject, like the fact that the star of "The Killer Likes Candy," the swash-bucklin' monster killin' Captain Sinbad himself, Kerwin Mathews, was gay! In retrospect, it makes good sense, I just never thought it about before!

Kerwin Mathews passed away at 81 years of age in 2007, he had been living with his partner Tom Nicoll for 46 years, so that means they had already been living together for 7 years when this movie was made!

Give directors Federico Chentrens and Maurice Cloche some credit for coming up with some clever locations!

The bad boys move in for the kill led by Gordon "Sword & Sandal-Frankenstein 80" Mitchell!

Kerwin Mathews had himself one fantastic career by Dungeon standards! Captain Sinbad in the unforgettable "The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad" would be more than enough by itself, as it was basically the "King Kong" of it's era, but there was also "The 3 Worlds of Gulliver," "Jack The Giant Killer," "Octaman," and last Saturday's stinker, "Battle Beneath The Earth," proving that Kerwin could do it all, good and bad!

Kerwin's first recorded performance was on the TV classic "Space Patrol" in 1954! It was episode #142, titled "The Escape of Mr. Proteus" and he played Major Caldwell! Kerwin might also be in the running for being in the most movies with numbers in the title. Besides the aforementioned "7th Voyage" and "3 Worlds," Kerwin also had these titles notched in his belt: "Cell 2455 Death Row," "5 Against the House," "The Devil at 4 O'Clock," and "OSS 117 Se Déchaîne," oh, and don't forget the TV show, "Playhouse 90."

Sorry, Ladies!!

I hope I didn't give away too much of the story!!


  1. That theme is out there! I even hear 'Huggies Bunnies' in it!

  2. i want dis movie frm where i can download it
