Monday, November 29, 2010

LA LLORONA / Producciones Bueno - 1960

Hello everbloody, welcome to another Moldie Oldie Monday, here at The Dungeon.

Tonight's featured flick is a well done production from Mexico, it's about the Crying Woman, who was put to death centuries ago, and the curse she tries to fulfill after arriving in the present, and that is, to try and kill the young son of the cursed family after she becomes his nanny...

Mr. Luis Mendoza López composed the music. Luis had a total of 4 composing credits between 1939-60, this was his last movie. When we have titles in a foreign language, Eegah!! usually is heavy on the music with a touch of dialogue, like this one!!

Now it's time to bring in our littlest Dungeon helper, the one and only, he's right over there... You can't see him, but he's there, and he's ready to push that big red 'GO' button and start our Eariffic Earclip for tonight's offering. Here's... LA LLORONA!

The newlyweds move in to their newly inherited casa and then find out about an ancient curse on their family.

In the past, there was a sorceress who had the love of the man of her dreams...

But, she was accused of blasphemy, and sentenced to death. Before she dies, she puts a curse on the family of the accusors.

It wouldn't be much of a story if she didn't show up mysteriously to then become the nanny of the couple's young son, would it?..

The couple doesn't believe the story of the curse.

She looks into the eyes of the person who sentenced her to death so many years ago.

Here, mom hands over her kid to... La llorona!

So, she tosses his ball out into traffic!

This scene will make you squirm, for sure!

She tries to get him to fall out the second story window!.. He actually almost really falls!!

She turns evil as she decides to do away with the boy personally, without all the gimmicks!

But, she can't do it...

You can hear her scream as she disappears out the window, to her doom!

So, everything turned out for the best, good won out over evil once again!

The crescendo you hear at the end of the soundclip is beacause of this cute little kitty. We're pretty sure this is La llorona, back to finish the job...

It looks like Tabonga's newest lil' pal, BOO!

Ghoulnight Everbloody!!


  1. Seen this on tv a couple of times. It's pretty good. If you're looking for something sort of similar, check out "La Tia Alejandra".

  2. the license plate descriptions should keep the Coppers in a dilemma ;o)

  3. Do you guys know what's the kid's name? I want to look him up!

  4. A - no, IMDb would be the only place to look for that that we know - so solly
