Monday, October 4, 2010

LIGHTS OUT / NBC TV - Oct. 1950

Welcome everbloody, to a special Halloween edition of Moldie Oldie Monday, here at The Dungeon! We gots some more rare TV to show you, this one was a very popular series based on the radio show and aired 158 episodes from 1946 to 1952!

The original music is by Fred Howard, who was a composer, author, singer, radio actor, writer, producer and director! The creepy keyboard in the soundclip is great and is perfect for this weird little story, Just What Happened... Arlo is the musician on the organ!

Let's bring in lil' Dungeon helper buddie, Rufus The Gnat, so's that he can push the big red 'GO' button wonst again, and start our Eariffic Earclip going, for your listening pleasure! Push that button, Rufus!.. LIGHTS OUT!!

Weird, there was nothing in the listings on who the host was!!

As the story starts, it appears that someone has fallen out of a building and landed on the sidewalk below.

John (THE UNKNOWN TERROR) Howard plays Harry Maddox, the grieving guy and former friend of the victim. Here, the police question him as to... Get ready for it... Just what happened!

The cops ain't buying his crappy alibi, so they throw him in jail!

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God!.. Wait!

He starts telling the judge and jury about his friend, Carlos Melius, a person who wanted to fly and float through the air using his mind, the way he visualized in his dreams...

Hold on Carlos, we're gonna have a few drinks, maybe that'll help us to understand what you're talking about...

Later, Carlos comes back to Harry's apartment to demonstrate his power. Hey, has anybloody seen my palette? I'm ready to paint and I can't find my palette!

Harry watches as Carlos actually rises into the air through mind control!

I included this still just to show how bad the lighting could be on some of those low budget TV series in the fifties. Anyway, the gang is back to watch Carlos attempt his feat one more time...

Da' suspense iz pure moider!

The three watch in horror as Carlos drifts out the window. Now get this... They scream at him to get back inside, that wakes him from the spell and causes him to plummet to his death...

I know that none of you people out there will ever believe my unbelievable story... That includes you, Grewbeard!!.. You too, Z!!

Mr. Floating Head sez... GHOULNIGHT EVERBLOODY!!


  1. i don't believe it! but the soundclip is my new favorite!

  2. oh yeah, why is Conrad Veidt(or whoever that is)pink?...

  3. PG - Tabonga just likes to colorize boring old stills...

  4. Why isn't there anything really scary on TV now???

    Thanks for the post.

  5. really? have any of you seen "Glee?"
