Friday, July 30, 2010

I, MONSTER / Amicus - 1971

Welcome everbloody to 'nother Friday Night Drive-In here at the Dungeon! Tonight we gots a great little Amicus sleeper that stars Dungeon favorites, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing!

For Tabonga, this flick is all about the awesome Christopher Lee and his truly creepy appearances as he undergoes another incarnation of the 'Jekyll and Hyde' tale. Notice the two-headed baby in the jar!

Music is by the great Carl Davis, who had a whopping 162 composing credits. He totally captures the airy insanity such a film requires! Some other movies he composed for are THE CHASTITY BELT, RENTADICK, WHAT BECAME OF JACK AND JILL, BIRTH OF THE BEATLES and FRAGMENTS OF ISABELLA, but worked mainly on British TV series.

Okay then, time for our lil' hunchback Dungeon helper, Ralphie the Tarantula, to push (again) that big red 'GO' button over there, and start our Eariffic Earclip for tonight! So, hit that button, Ralphie!!.. I, MONSTER!!

Lee plays the dubious Dr. Charles Marlowe, who's a brusque, anti-social, sadistic and voyeuristic character.

He's treating Susan Jameson for a sexual disorder. Sexy Susan can also be seen on these Brit TV programs... STRANGE REPORT, UFO, Z CARS, SPACE 1999, HELL'S BELLS, DRAMARAMA, WOOF! and A VERY BRITISH SEX SCANDAL!

While the doctor goes to get a syringe, Susan goes through some of the drawers in his study!.. Oopsie!!

...Okay, bend over!

The doctor's serum has quite an effect on the patient.

As Edward Blake, he goes out and gets a room in the city, where he can keep watch over the residents from his second story room.

When prodded by a street hood, Blake responds with glee. It's surprising that he doesn't slit the little bastard's throat with the razor, but he doesn't!

When he goes out to mingle with the ladies at a bar, it backfires big time as you can hear in the soundclip.

And, of course, revenge is just around the corner!

Blake's skating on the edge!

Children run away from him at the zoo, and now he's starting to transform without an injection.

Look at these teriffic stills as Blake becomes more and more hideous and demented!

As he destroys his lab in a blind rage, he picks up this book and quickly opens it without any thought, but when it's open, he looks intently at the pages in total disbelief and non-comprehension. Truly great acting!!

Oh yeah... Here's Peter!

Okay, here you go, Blake at his zenith!!

Goodnight, sweet Prince Of Darkness!..


  1. another one i haven't seen yet, believe it or don't!...

  2. What is written on the drawers where the patient finds women picture?
