Monday, June 14, 2010

SPOOKS RUN WILD / Monogram - 1941

Welcome to Moldie Oldie Monday at the Dungeon! Tonight's featured flick is a fun little thriller from Monogram as they match the East Side Kids with good old Bela and his little helper Angelo (FREAKS) Rossitto, Sam (THE WEREWOLF) Katzman is producer.

Uncredited music is by Johnny Lange and Lew Porter. Mr. Lange wrote the songs "Mule Train" and "Clancy Lowered The Boom" and did mainly just westerns. He passed away in 2006 at the age 100! Mr. Porter had 69 composing credits including THE TERROR OF TINY TOWN, THE GIRL FROM RIO, ONE DARK NIGHT, THE LONE RIDER IN GHOST TOWN, JUNGLE SIREN, PRAIRIE PALS, JIVE JUNCTION and MURDER IN THE BLUE ROOM!

Lil' Dungeon helper Rufus the Gnat is here with Tabonga tonight. He scream to Tabonga that he been eating his Flintstone Kids vitamins and he all ready to push that big red 'GO' button once again and start our Eariffic Earclip rollin' an' rollin' an' rollin'... SPOOKSTERS RUNNIN' WILD!

The boys have to go to summer camp because, what else, they're underprivileged! A minute later they blow tailpipe exhaust into, what else, a counselor's face!

Muggs, Danny and Glimpy end up at a small restaurant, ordering drinks and getting fresh! Margie, what a moniker!

"All citizens are warned to be on the look out for the monster killer, who's believed to be in this vicinity!" Over and out...

This was hi-tech in 1941, today's kids would go into a coma!!

Did you hear the one about the guy who could read in the dark?

This gas station attendant can't believe the strange people dropping in, looking for the old same place!! ...You can't get there from here!

Muggs sees this skull in his cup and gets the heebie-jeebies!

This flick is No. 1 when it comes to spiderweb overkill, almost every room looks like this, or worse!!

Scruno gets to keep an eye on Peewee, who seems to have turned into a zombie!

Bela mentally outmaneuvers Muggs!!

It's the ghost of the black widow spider!.. G'wan! Git!!

Oh, come on!.. Two knights?!!

Peewee's wandering all over the place!

"How to meet'cha!!"

I thought there was something weird about this gravestone!

At this point, Muggs and the boys try and scare Bela into confessing that he's the killer! After Bela faints from fright, they tie him up so he won't get away.

Here, everbloody finds out from Muggs that Bela is the good guy! A very nice twist!!

This is the real monster killer!

The monster killer has the door locked, so Muggs crawls out his window and into his, then takes him on!.. Go Scrappy Doo!!

Bela gives a special performance of his magic show for everbloody! Muggs thinks he's going to hook up with some hot chick behind the curtain!

Awwwww shucks, ma'am!


  1. Angelo Rossitto had a really long career..I rembember him on insert fotos for Alice Cooper's Muscle of Love album..

  2. Nice topic in a useful blog? Well, you're not going to get there that way, you have to be chosen by Blogger to be part of Blogs Of Note! It's their decision, not yours!

  3. I believe that horror is the only movie genre in which constantly develops over time over decades. It’s really interesting to look at a film like Lugosi in “Spooks Run Wild” and compared to The tomb (of Fangoria’s frightfest)
