Monday, August 31, 2009

EL ATAQUE DE LOS MUERTOS SIN OJOS - Antón García Abril - "Mark Of The Devil" (1973)

Tonight's feature is an odd film from 1973 with a title that literally translates to "Attack Of The Blind Dead" but of course in America, it was released as "Return Of The Evil Dead"! The music was created by Spanish composer Antón García Abril, who has 177 composing credits in his portfolio with crazy titles like "Sexta-Feira 13", "The Bloodsuckers" and "Revenge From Planet Ape!"

The locals have their annual festival to celebrate the freedom they received when they destroyed the Templar Knights who had overrun their happy little burg back in the day!! Unfortunately, evil forces still aboud, seems like those Templar Knights lean towards not dying completely!!

Even our Hero, Tony Kendall, no matter how cool he looks, still can't fix a problem this grandiose! They need a bigger star than him to clean up this mess!

Loreta Tovar as Monica interacts with the dead Templar Knights! Not exactly what she had in mind when she said she wouldn't mind going out on a blind date!! Loreta has a very striking resemblance to Candace Hilligoss of "Carnival of Souls" Fame!

Just remember kids what old Uncle Eegah!! said, no matter what's happening, and no matter how horrible of a situation it is, there's always time for a drum solo!!!

As weird and creepy as these dead Templar Knights are, they would have been a Helluva lot scarier if they moved a little faster. As bad as it looks, you've got to be really dumb and/or completely immobile to get caught by these guys!

Damn, even the horses are dead!!!

AAAaaaahhhhh!! I see dead people!!

Did I tell you that this film is about a bunch of dead Templar Knights Hellbent on destruction and revenge??

Game over, man. Final score: Templar Knights 13 and Locals 0!

Mark Of The Return Of The Attack Of The Evil Devil Blind Dead!!!


  1. Eegah!! forget to mention that tonight is post #800!.. Dungeon, Dungeon, rah, rah, rah!!!

  2. Kong-gratulations!!!

    wonder if Erik Prince has seen this movie?...

  3. The BLIND DEAD 5-disc set is essential for anyone into this brand of Spanish horror!
