Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DIABOLIK - Ennio Morricone - "Let's Go Deep Deep Down" (1968)

John Phillip Law is "Diabolik", or, as it was released in America,"Danger: Diabolik," and what a diabolical character he can be!!

Coming off like kind of a cross between a 1968 Robin Hood and Batman, with a touch of Jesse James and Al Capone, except the only people he's watching out for are himself and his beautiful girlfriend Eva, who is portrayed by Marisa Mell.

Instead of stealing 10 million dollars and giving it to the poor, Diabolik scatters it all over his fortress of solitude and Eva and him make love in it!! Speaking of fortress of solitude, what a great pad this cat has got, and unlike a Superman or Batman, he's not dumb enough to go there alone!

Diabolik's got a great sense of humour, but sometimes also murders innocent people like guards, if he needs to, so he's really not that nice of a guy, but in this scene, he and Eva pose as reporters, as special guest star Terry Thomas as the Minister Of Finance, delivers a speech. Diabolik uses his 'exhilirating' gas to make the whole room, including the stoic minister and the cops start cracking up!!

Diabolik is so bad, and so elusive, the police have to use gangsters to try and find him!! Enter and exit Adolfo Celi as crime boss Ralph Valmont! Ralph has quite a sense of style and flare in his choice of clothes, or maybe he was colourblind, but most likely, he only dresses like that because this is a Mario Bava film!!

The action is smokin' at Valmont's club!! The music throughout this movie is by the prolific Maestro Ennio Morricone, who everybody knows about because of the "Good, Bad, and The Ugly" movies, and who we've written about here before, for his work on "Nightmare Castle! The female vocalist singing the theme was some gal named Christy!!

Some guys will do anything to get their girlfrend those jewels she wants so bad!!

Diabolik does go on a rampage during one part of the film, blowing up all the tax offices in whatever imaginary country they are supposed to be in, and No, we don't condone this type of behaviour, and this is only a movie, but it sure makes for quite a strong statement by Director Mario Bava 41 years ago that still reverberates around the globe to this very day! This was the one part where he was helping somebody besides himself, because all the tax records were destroyed!! It wouldn't work today because of computer technology!

For a real treat, head on over to YouTube and listen and watch probably the most talented man on the planet today, Mike Patton, do his knock you down and out amazing version of "Deep Deep Down!!" And after you do that stay there and watch the whole concert. One of the most interesting sets I've heard in ages!! Goosebump city!!! You will not be disappointed!!!! Go Mike!!!

Big Thanx to A Fistful Of Soundtracks blog for the Mike Patton lead!!!


  1. I think it will work! Computer Technology Techsmology...., Let blow up all the computers too!
    No Taxes! Yeah!
    But really.....I like that bed!

  2. Awesome Mabuseesque Theme!.. My favorite!!

  3. What is so great about this era in European film making is that more money was spent on clothing and make-up than on script.
    I'd kill to look half as good as these women. Even the "bit" part girls have more hair and make-up than I can afford.

    That is why I love 60s Italian sci-fi. The movies are cheesy but the fashions are great.

  4. I was searching for the lyrics to Ennio Morricone's "Deep, Deep Down" and stumbled onto your blog. I listened to Mr. Patton's favoloso rendition of DDD! Never heard of Mike Patton, so thanks for the link and the intro!

  5. Yer welcome Mac! Anytime I can turn somebody on to Mike Patton, it makes me feel good! Anyway, that's why we do this!! Thanx!!
