Sunday, February 8, 2009

THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN / AIP - 1957 / Music by Albert Glasser

Welp, here's tonight's 'amazing colossal' posting... a classic sci-fi movie from MR. BIG and crew in 1957. And, look at this excellent poster, WOW!!

This is probably Albert Glasser's weakest theme for any Gordon title he worked on, which is, a lot! But, it gets the job done. Search our archives for Albert's other entries!

So, let's get the party started... Here's the SOUNDCLIP NO LONGER AVAILABLE

This is cool!.. Glenn is playing Glenn!! But, alas, he gets a little too close to a delayed plutonium bomb blast. Well, that's what he gets for trying to be a hero!

Glenn 'amazingly' recovers from the blast, but starts growing, then he quips after looking at the tiny newspaper headlines... "You call this living?!"

He wreaks a mountain of havoc in his 'little' visit to Las Vegas!

SON... OF... A... BITCH!!!!!

Why, you little!!..

Luckily, Glenn didn't try and pull a 'King Kong' on her!! Look how phony this shot looks!

And, a 'little' bonus!

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