Tuesday, January 27, 2009

THE THING THAT COULDN'T DIE / Universal - 1958 / Music by Joseph Gershenson

Now, here is weird little flick from Universal about evil dude that lose body and try to get it back! One time, Rodan write script called HEAD OF HORROR that have head looking for body too, but take place in old gold mine!.. Not cigarette, bling!

Joseph Gershenson was music supervisor and use uncredited composer Irving Gertz, Henry Mancini, Hans J. Salter + Herman Stein. Universal had tricky way to save $$$ by recycling. Listen and you will hear sounds from THIS ISLAND EARTH and TARANTULA!

Eegah! make nice soundclip tonight, so why not give listen!.. SOUNDCLIP NO LONGER AVAILABLE

This flick have very strange cast of character! Charles Horvath play Mike the big dumb guy as Carolyn Kearney do some divining with a stick! Guess what?.. Right, she find box buried in ground!

Big stupid Mike open box and find something creepy inside, The Thing! So, The Thing hypnotize him, Mike then go stomp cowboy pal a good'ern!..

Thing make Mike take him to peek at gurlies sleeping but Andra Martin pick up weird vibe and wake up!

For big laugh, Thing hide in hat box and scare living crap outta gurl.

Finally they locate coffin, pendant make body reanimate, add head, and... viola! Back in business!!

William Reynolds use pendant to force evil complete Thing back into coffin...

Title very deceiving!.. IT DIE!!

Ahhh, nothing like a perfect ending!!


  1. This movie was always a favorite when it was on TV. The MST3K version is one of their best episodes, too.

  2. is Old Gold still around? if i smoked, i'd smoke Old Gold just for the touch of class it'd give me!...

  3. I was just about to say that.
    Like so many others of this kind, the MST3K version makes it fun to watch.

  4. Tabonga pray to Joel and Mike!!

  5. Mike made for a very intersting interview subject in SCREEM #12 .....

  6. Where can I find this movie? Please...

  7. Atilla82 - I'm pretty sure you can get a DVD-R copy at videoscreams.com under classic horror!

  8. Caroline Kearney was a friend of mine, and a kind and delightful woman, now passed on. I'm sending a link to this column to her son, who is a song writer in New York City.

    She was married to an Oscar-winning screenwriter, Harold Jack Bloom. Among other films, he did an uncredited rewrite of YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE. Caroline also played Boris Karloff's niece-by-marriage in an episode of THRILLER, "The Incredible Doktor Markesan," in which she is married to Dick York, and meets a horrible fate at Karloff's fiendish hands.
