Thursday, January 15, 2009

El Imperio de Drácula aka EMPIRE OF DRACULA / Mexico - 1967 / Music by Gustavo César Carrión

Tonight The Dungeon present super color-saturated still and chalk board scratching soundclip from 'nother Mex Vampire Mix Flick... Hey, and Bram Stoker get writing credit!! Pretty damn good for dead guy!

Big time monster music man Gustavo César Carrión have 319 composing credit and include these fine flick: EL MONSTRUO EN LA SOMBRA, LA ADULTERA, EL VAMPIRO, MISTERIOS DE ULTRATUMBA, EL HOMBRE Y EL MONSTRUO, EL GRITO DE LA MUERTE, FRANKESTEIN: EL VAMPIRO Y COMPANIA, EL BARON DEL TERROR and too many more!!!

Ready, set, go to!.. DRAC'S PLACE 1967!

Bat ring let you know who big boss around here is!!

Ever'bloody like to scream in tonight' flick!!

Mexican monster flick always have interesting transformation scene!.. Here is tonight' version.

Drac live in pretty fancy pad but it also have creepy underground rooms! Second photo is cool!!

Bone head 'n' tooth enamel!

To save gurlie' soul, dude chase down other dude, have big fight, put gurlie' coffin on the earth, put cross on gurlie and that all it take to save from eternal damnation!!.... Go figure!

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