Saturday, October 18, 2008

ROSTRO INFERNAL - Enrico Cabiati - "The Incredible Face of Dr. B" (1963)

Tonight's Halloween Countdown 2008 feature is an Extra Special affair!! "Rostro Infernal" has a decent opening theme, but that's not why we're here!!

The theme is followed directly by this song "Corazonada" by Lola Casanova, it's all right, but that's really not why we're here tonight either!!

I really wanted to post this one on Halloween night, because it is, in my humble opinion, simply one of the most haunting songs we'll ever present, but if I wait til Halloween, you won't have it in time for your Halloween party, and we wouldn't want that to happen! I guess these are the geniuses that made it all happen!! Ladies and gentlemen, playing the music of the Maestro Enrico Cabiati, the Band!

So, Feliz El Dia De Los Muertos!!! Enrico's music sounds like 1940's spooky cartoon music redone in a hip 60's Latin style!! That's it! It's that simple, but it is one of my faves!!! The sax solo is so beautifully simple and airy, it'll give you flashbacks to 1960 and Rosie and The Originals "Angel Baby!" It's that fantastic!!!! The music becomes more frantic, then it sounds like Gene Krupa came into the room for a quick solo, before breaking into a rockin' tweaked out version of something like "Tequila," which reminds me....I think I hear Don Eduardo calling my name again!! So, turn it up and dance!!!! I'll be back!!

Feliz La Noche De Brujas!!!

Oh, but it's not all fun and games! Well, the one guy seems to be having fun anyway! How bout we put the helmet on you buddy, and see if you're still having so much fun!!

When all else fails, send in the short wrassler zombies!!

That didn't even work, turn the lights on the little buggers, and they just start fighting amongst themselves!!! What a great film, but what a fantastic soundtrack!!


  1. Ok, great description - can't wait to listen to it! Thanks!

  2. bits of this music turn up in Santo Vs. The Martian Invasion, too.
