Friday, October 31, 2008

EEGAH!!! - Arch Hall - "Valerie" (1962)

Not something weird, freaky, new or special for you on this final amazing "All Saint's Night 2008" but instead we're going to dig into the roots of what we're doing here!!!
This is the last piece of music I have for you from "Eegah!" and I was saving it for a special night, so here ya'll go!! It ain't even worth arguing about, cause without a doubt, it's the best Pop song of all time, written and performed by the genius Arch Hall, from the film only second to "Citizen Kane" and "Gone With The Wind" in most intelligent thinker's books, my freakin' namesake, "EEGAH!!!"

This simply amazing song is titled "Valerie" and it goes something like this:

"If I had, a thousand paintings, in a marble, gallery,
Every, single picture, would be of Valerie,"

Okay, now, get ready for the really good stuff!!!

"Vitamins are good they say, and so's a calorie,
But I'd feel like a tiger on one kiss from Valerie,"

Yes, Arch really did rhyme Valerie and calorie!!!! Isn't that the best ever!??? C'mon!!!!

"I couldn't stand tomorrow, and they can have today,
If some one took my Valerie a half a mile away!"

"If I had, a billion dollars, and a banker's, salary,
I'd spend it, all on flowers, to give to, Valerie!!!"

Oh, baby!!!!! And what's even better than those background singers singing "Salary"?? There's nobody named "Valerie" in the movie!!!! This song comes complete with Ooobie-Doo Ooh-oohs and whistling from soma-place you're not opt to venture to on purpose! Sing it Arch!!!

As I have been told numerous times in the past, "Eegah!!!" cleans up pretty damn good!!!

So now it's time to track down that ghoul you love, write him or her a song rhyming his or her name to the most absurd things in the world and you're 'Good Golly Miss Molly' guaranteed to be together a real gone time! Peace and Aarrrgghhhh!!!!!

Forrest J. Ackerman was the man who inspired us to love and write about Monster Movies, and it was the Reverend Tom Frost who inspired us to do this blog, so on this hallowed 2008 night of all nights, lift those glasses high to them and all the other greats we've toasted and roasted here!! Thanx!!!


  1. Love the backing female vocals on this one, in addition to Arch’s very arch adenoidal warblings ----

  2. Hey, second picture from the bottom . .

    What is the oven doing in the living room??

    Great post, as usual.

  3. That's no oven, Lacey, that's a super-deluxe built-in the wall stereo rich folks used to have back in the day!!!

  4. Watch out for snakes!
