Saturday, August 16, 2008

THE SILENCERS - Dean Martin-Elmer Berstein-Vicki Carr - "It's All About Dino" (1966)

"The Silencers" is not really a 'monster movie', but it looks fantastic, has hot music, is crazy, cool, has psychotronic elements and Dean Martin! What else do you want or need? And besides all that, we needed some color, damnit! Dino as Matt Helm is casual, calm and he's collecting every man's dream!! For anything and everything else you want to know about Dean Martin, please head on over to our new pal's pad, I Love Dino Martin!!! In the meantime, here's the lowdown on tonight's feature! Forgive me if I didn't use your favorite picture, this movie just had too many shots to choose from!!

Cyd Charrise sings the title song from "The Silencers"!! Well, actually Vicki Carr is the one who is singing. Cyd mimes the title song from "The Silencers!" The music was written by Elmer Berstein and the lyrics were written by Mack David!!

There's a series of short pop standards sung by Dino in this opening dream sequence with parody lyrics provided by Herbert Baker. It's like, you know, "Like Dreamsville, Man!" (Not to be confused with the terrific blog up there in the links by the same name!)

Dino and the stunning Daliah Lavi as Tina, and/or Cowboy at the Slaymate club and we get the treat of hearing "Santiago" by Sarita played by Cyd and/or Vicki, again written by Berstein and David!

A pensive moment with Dino and Tina!

Man, look at Matt Helm go into action, chop, chop! Take that sucker!! Custom cars in the movie including Matt's station wagon courtesy of The real Boss, George Barris!!!

Stella Stevens looks fantastic through the whole movie. She's gorgeous and hilarious and has a range of facial expressions beyond belief. I captured a ton of photos and she looks great in all of them, no matter what she's doing!! Her and Dean work great together!

The "backward gun trick" is funny, and even though they do it like four or five times in a row, you'll laugh every time!!

If Victor Buono had just a little more makeup on, he would have been a lot scarier! Oh, man, what a drag, Dino got dirty!!!

Matt Helm rocks!!! Now we gotta try and find a copy of "The Ambushers!"


  1. Nice! They showed both these movies on VOOM in high definition a few months ago but Voom is basically dead to me now (Dish network dropped the service). VOOM was actually pretty good for stuff like this, especially back when they had GUY TV as a channel.

  2. Yeah, and stupid Dish also got rid of Monsters HD at the same time, & that was the only channel I watched. Now VOOM shows are only available in some obscure area in middle America I think! Dish sucks, I wrote them, they don't care!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes so sorry to have missed this Dinopost when it arrived on your blog scene..thanks for directin' me to it pallie! Couple of thin's first man, like you cans get the whole Matt Helm quartet as a Dinopackage tagged Matt Helm you can believe this all for Dinofab Dinoflicks for 'bout $ cans finds it at many internet sellin' sites. Second, you just may wanna reveiw these Dinoclassics in Dino-order, which means that you woulda do "Murder's Row" next....btw that's my like totally fav of the 4 Helm capers and probably my fav Dinoflick of all Dinotime. And, likes thanks so much for the cool Dinomention...the ol' ilovedinomartin Dinoblog is always glads to welcome others who loves our Dino...and then gotta say, likes what a very Dinoclassy Dinojob you have done of sharin' "The Silencers" in Dinopixs and to the point Dinocommentary...loves this so very very Dinomuch...and hopes you won't mind if I share this Dinopost with pallies over at the Dinoblog. Also, don't know if you knows this Dinofact...but likes when "The Silencers" openned at the first run theatre in NYC, likes it was so hot that they have to keep the theatre likes open 24/7 to accomadate all the Dinoholics who just had to see our great man in action!!!! Thanks again for this great Dinopromotion and thanks for takin' the time to make sure that I didn't Dinomiss this Dinoprose.... Dinodevotedly, Dino Martin Peters...aka DMP

  4. Hey pallie eegah!!!.......just to lets you know that I have posted a Dinoblog Dinopost directin' pallies to come on over ands checks out this very very Dinofine Dinopost.....loves it!

  5. Wow! What a way cool write-up you did on The Silencers. I really dig it. I love the Matt Helm spy flicks. This is one of my favorite of that franchise. I really love the pictures you posted as well. Dino is the man. This movie is so awesome. Great job you did. Cheers!

  6. How many guys besides Dean could look cool while driving a station wagon? How many movie spies would drive a station wagon instead of a Bentley or an Aston Martin in the first place?

    With the Helm series, I always ended up liking the villainesses (especially Daliah Lavi and Senta Berger) better than the heroines, although the latter were all played by very likable and talented actresses: Stella Stevens, Ann-Margret, Janice Rule, and Sharon Tate. Nancy Kovack was also memorable in The Silencers, although her part was very small.

  7. Right On! Dean would look cool driving a rambler, and you sure can't go wrong with a group of gals like that, which reminds me, I think I still have one more Matt Helm flick to do, thanx!

  8. Hey pallie, likes E&T, gotta 'fess up that we are much-o late-o in findin' and postin' your quartet of remarkable reflections on our most beloved Dino and swingin' spyster Matt Helm. So, today, tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that (Tuesday-Friday) of this very Dino-week we are havin' a marvelous marathon of potent posts of your energetic efforts and liftin' up the name of our one and only Dino! We at our humble little ilovedinomartin waterin' hole swankly salute you for your wondrous work for our King of Cool!!!!!
