Sunday, May 18, 2008

IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA - Mischa Bakaleinikoff - "Deep Island Swing" (1955)

Tonight we get another chance to tout the fabulous talents of composer Mischa Bakaleinikoff in this classic film, "It Came From Beneath The Sea"! Mischa could write orchestrated classics to stand the test of time or swing with the best of them, and you know it's the swing we appreciate the most around here!!  
It cracks me up the way Commander Pete just flops his arms over and hangs on the periscope handles! 
Kenneth Tobey and Chuck Griffiths! Funny! One guy goes on to be in almost every TV show of the 60's, and the other guy never acts in the movies or TV again! Crazy!! 
The guys in the sub are getting island music pumped in, but the captain knows they are going to start wanting Mai-Tais any minute, so they change the music to some big band beat, and what do you know, now they all want Martinis!! 
I don't think this is the kind of sushi they were expecting for dinner! It's big, and it's still alive!!! Must have been beyond their comprehension, and we can all thank the king of stop-action animation, Ray Harryhausen, for that!

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