Friday, May 9, 2008

el Regreso del Monstruo (RETURN OF THE MONSTER) - 1960 Mex - (Mayhem & Transformation)

Hello, everybloody!.. This Tabonga here. For four nights in row, I control the vertical, I control the horizontal. Tonight, time to go Mex again with freaky little number called "el Regreso del Monstruo" or "Return of the Monster" here in old USA, and, no telling who does music? Got me!..... So, first, title song, then some mayhem, and then very cool transformation sounds. Enjoy! 

Give a listen to Return of the Monster

  It hurt to be a monster! 

Tabonga would like pet skeleton! 

Dreamin' he baaaaad monster!! 

Sleep tight, and, don't let the monstruo bite!


  1. What does the "Scarlet Fox" refer to in the film?

  2. I'm sure its the good guy's moniker -
