Saturday, February 16, 2008

LEMON GROVE KIDS MEET THE MONSTERS - Don Snyder - "We're The Lemon Grove Kids" (1965)

You might be wondering why we havn't covered anything by the other classic 1960's el-cheapo, no budget film maker, Ray Dennis Steckler here. Let me just tell you that all of Ray's films are still available, full of crazy and cool music, and out of all the people we've talked about here, he's the only one still out working and promoting his movies himself, and that you should go out and buy each and every one of them!!! Some weirdo named Greg Goodsell has been leaving a bunch of comments on this blog lately, and if you'll follow this link, you can read an article written by him that will tell you more about Ray Dennis Steckler. Greg just did an interview with Ray for "Screem" magazine coming out in March, so he's got a lot of inside and up to date information to share. Steckler for details: Ray Dennis Steckler's Incredibly Strange New Career Path 
 Here's a great 86 second blast From The Kids Band intro music. 
Ray Dennis Steckler, Gopher, Cash Flagg, Cindy Lou Sutters, Etc himself! 
Don Snyder wrote and sang the theme for "We're The Lemon Grove Kids", which is probably the best kid's movie ever made!!!

1 comment:

  1. Right on! Thanks for the link -- and other than Steckler, T.V. Mikels is still crankin' 'em out.

    -- Greg Goodsell
