Tuesday, January 15, 2008

SANTO CONTRA BLUE DEMON EN LA ATLANTIDA (Santo vs. Blue Demon in Atlantis) - Gustavo César Carrión - "Title & Fight Scenes" (1970)

Just realized the other day that we really haven't come up with any movies from the year 1950 yet, so we figure we can throw in one or two from 1970, and it will balance everything out, besides, you really wouldn't want us to leave out this classic little jewel now, would you? Didn't think so. To look at the credits of Gustavo César Carrión, you'd think he was the only composer in all Mexico. This cat did it all, Santo, Blue Demon, Brainiac, vampires, witches, you name it, the maestro Gustavo has put music to it, and it all started in 1950!! So, here's music from the opening credits of "Santo Contra Blue Demon En La Atlántida." Great snapping snare, rumbling kettle drums, weeping horns and creepy organ!! Santo vs. Blue Demon in Atlantis
  In this wild fight scene, they manage to thrash every strategically placed lamp, vase and table in the joint before it's over! 
Blue Demon drives a bitchin' convertible Red T-Bird! Fight and Fight Some More Here's a big smash-up of music from a couple of fight scenes. The sound isn't all that great because once again, it's taken from VHS tapes recorded off of Mexican TV in the 1980's, but it's the best we have at the moment, so enjoy it for what it's worth or "look what's going on!" 
And Speaking of Mexican TV, here's an extra especial bonus for you, a mind blowing scene where Santo sits down to watch some TV in this gal's apartment, and he just sits there chilling, & watches this song by the remarkable Cuban born Olga Guillot on the tube. That's it, nothing else happens. Now that's wild!! 
 And whatever you do, por favor, do not mess with Santo, if you know what's good for you!!!


  1. I know I'm 3 years too late but is there any chance you could repost these files? The links are broken though I'd love to hear them,
