Friday, January 4, 2008

EVA, LA VENERE SELVAGGIA (Kong Island) - Roberto Pregadio - "Opening & Lab" (1968)

No, not two, but three stars presents: 
I really think Roberto Pregadio wins some sort of prize for composing music for movies with very bizarre titles. Maybe it has something to do with "getting lost in translation," but let me know, if you think I'm wrong. Besides this film which is also known as "King Of Kong Island,"(even though there are no big monkeys in it), you've got titles from the 60's like "Hole In The Forehead", "A Devil Under The Pillow", "Twisted Girls", the ominous look into the future of "Our Men In Bagdad," and the ever so cheerful, "A Place In Hell!" So here, while you're thinking about that, for your listening pleasure, the opening credits from..."Kong Island"!! 
And right after those oh so tropical sounds, we go directly into the lab, which was pretty much commonplace back in 1968, you know, two bedroom apartment, with kitchen, dining room, one bath and laboratory! I think it was about right about 1963 when everybody starting getting rid of their fallout shelters & getting laboratories to prepare for the future! 
Then, we are transported off into the jungle, with some great Lounge-Jeep-Mai-Tai-Safari music. No monkeys yet, but lots of bad dialogue! 
Cruisin' In The Jeep with Diana and the guys!!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't seen this one -- the one to see is FRANKENSTEIN ISLAND!
