Thursday, November 15, 2007

THE TERRORNAUTS - Elisabeth Lutyens - "Main Theme" (1967)

Elisabeth Lutyens, the first woman to compose music for a British feature film back in good old 1948, actually composed music for a number of cool flicks besides the Amicus production "The Terrornauts." Nifty titles like "The Skull," "The Earth Dies Screaming" & "Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors" all came from 1965. Busy lady! This is one crazy nut job of a movie, & the opening credits get it off to a good start!



  1. Is something the matter with the TERRORNAUTS link? I've downloaded it twice but it doesn't pl;ay.


  2. Hey Buzz, that was very weird!! Please try it again & see if it works for you now! I tried it on 2 computers, a windows & a mac & was able to stream & download & play on both, but upon further investigation, I noticed that the link was missing the 3 at the end of the 'mp3' so I added it back in. Don't know why it worked here & not there, I just hope that fixes it for you! Thanx!

  3. You reprinted my favorite shot from this movie, where the smoke on the alien landscape drifts clearly behind the lousy matte painting of the alien moon!

    -- Greg Goodsell
