Friday, November 2, 2007

KONGA - Gerard Schurmann - "Radio Music" (1961)

Man, that Michael Gough can be a devilish soul, & in "Konga" he probably plays his best role of a really 'not nice' guy. His assistant Margaret loves him; she's so lowly, she doesn't even have a last name and he treats her like crap. Sandra Banks adores his intellect, but has no clue that he's just a dirty old pervert after her bod, not her mind. He has his big monkey kill anybody that pisses him off, and he's growing giant phallic-looking, meat-eating plants in his greenhouse. Does that sound like a nice guy to you? Well, maybe by today's standards, but not back in 1961! Still, it makes for a great movie & should be riding high on your 'to do' list! Gerard Schurmann does a swingin' job on the music, just like he did on the other Michael Gough evil classic, "Horrors Of The Black Museum." Konga
 Having a casual conversation with the boss, Hey Mike, watch out, or you'll bust a blood vessel! 
Stuck in the back of the truck, might as well break out the radio & listen to some cool tunes! 
How bout that? Sandra Banks gets to ride up front! 
Getting out of the rain, dancing, everyone's having a great time except, Sandra Banks' boyfriend Bob Kenton, who if Sandra had listened to, would still be alive, & she'd still have two arms! 
Bob can't take it anymore!!

1 comment:

  1. KONGA is yet another "old duffer exploiting the young" story from producer Herman Coehn, who rode out the very same formula in his TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN and TEENAGE DRACULA!
