Wednesday, October 10, 2007

IL PIANETA DEGLI UOMINI SPENTI (Battle Of The Worlds) - Mario Migliardi - "Outsider Music" (1961)

Mario M. also did the music for the 1968 German laughfest, "Der Turm Der Verbotenen Liebe," which had the English title "The Tower Of Screaming Virgins."
Why did they have to have a guy named Cornfield? That's what we need to know. Everything else is fairly self-explanatory, but Dr. Cornfield? Don't get it! Anyway, despite that, this is a pretty exciting scene with equally interesting 'future' type music, especially for 1961. So they figured out how to get to the "Outsider" by using oscillators as music, what genius!!! Turn it up Loud for maximum effect!!!

1 comment:

  1. The long expository dialogue with Claude rains and the other scientists in the first ten minutes forces many people to turn off this film!
