Thursday, October 25, 2007

EL FANTASMA DE CASA ROJA (The Phantom In The Red House) - José de la Vega - "El Infierno" (1956)

Welcome to "El Infierno!" 
313 varieties of Tequila available, the current weapon of choice being Corazón Blanco 100% Agave Azul! Gracias! 
How about those flamin' fajitas, just like at Jacalito Grill, only Hotter!!!
 This guy is only one of the "Hot" entertainers!! 
And you got this guys! 
We could only be so lucky to have a hot place as cool as this today, with or without some phantom dude!!! The Opening ActThe 3rd ActThe 4th Act


  1. Great site - all that's missing is a giant spider playing a trombone - an' I know that's out there.

  2. Far out! You should really go to this Tiki Bar in Glendale! It's somethin' else!
