Saturday, October 27, 2007

DIE NACKTE UND DER SATAN (The Head) - Lasry/Mattes - "Two Scenes" (1959)

Lilly's a stripper at the "Tam-Tam" tiki club. She looks good, but she drinks too much! 
The boys in the band are wailing! There's a good crowd! The room is hot tonight! 
Lilly's deadbeat artist boyfriend is bugging her, so she orders two or three more drinks! 
Even if you're in a movie, you should always watch out for who's watching you! 
Otto Storr as Frank the barkeep sees it all, but he ain't talkin' and the band just keeps on playing!! You might remember Otto from his role as Wenzel The Clown in the 1962 classic thriller, "Snow White & The Seven Jugglers." Here's the music from two good Head Scenes

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