Saturday, July 21, 2007

SPIDER BABY (aka Cannibal Orgy) - Lon Chaney Jr. - Theme Song (1968)

This well documented film was made in 1964, but wasn't released until 1968 because of financial problems, so the world had to wait another 4 long years before we got to hear this Ron Stein (Not Frank's brother)composition performed by none other than Lon Chaney Jr. himself. It was definately worth the wait!

Spider Baby


  1. When I interviewed director Jack Hill, he told me Lon Chaney Jr. would suck vodka out of oranges while on the set!

  2. Incredible- Spider Baby is my all time favorite. And I was THRILLED to find a blog devoted to horror movie music. Incredible- and well written to boot. Thanks!

  3. just caught this flick again last night. it's a hoot!!! thanks for the post. want to mention this in my blog, and alert to your blog, but i don't yet know how to do so, since mine is very new and not yet in one direction, which is fun for the moment. any advice, feel free to pass on. love your blog!!


  4. Psychic psycho John, I just remixed another "Spider Baby" piece today! You'll hear it soon! Pick a subject, stay focused! That's all I gotta say!
