Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I CONFESS - Alfred Hitchcock (1953)

Tonight's Wednesday Weirdness is a fustercluck of moderate proportions, a film by the master Alfred Hitchcock called simply, "I Confess!"

I must confess, it's quite a mess! (Also, my electricity just went out!)

First couple of minutes, there's a murder!

We already know who the murderer is, but this story is about the fact that nobody else does, except of course for................

........The Father, who just received the killer's confession. But since he's not allowed to share any information confessed to him, he has to keep it to himself, and that is the hokey pokey of this story! Does he look uncomfortable? Good, because he is!

The crowd of people the next day at the crime scene are an interesting lot!

A 31 year old Karl (The Streets Of San Francisco) Malden is the detective in charge of the investigation!

Anne (Olga, Queen Of The Cossacks) Baxter is the female trouble!

This painting scene hit a real nerve, since that's all we've been doing the last three weekends!

Brian (The Eleventh Commandment, Madame Guillotine, The Constant Nymph) Aherne is the chief prosecutor, and when he's not goofing around like this, he's a tough cookie in the courtroom!

Great Shot!!

I can't watch Montgomery (A Place In The Sun, From Here To Eternity) Cliff without thinking about The Clash!
He does a pretty good job here as the priest who knows but won't tell, even though he's the one who ends up getting accused of the crime!
That's dedication, no doubt!
Gay, but not open about it, with drug and alcohol problems, Monty's life spun out of control, and he only lived to be 45!  He looks troubled in most of this movie, I'm not sure how much of it was actual acting! All that considered, how weird is it that a guy who sought out mental help could play Sigmund Freud in the second to the last of his film appearances!

After all, life is just a stage, isn't it!

I found these different international posters all over the place.....

........And I found they all had one thing in common...........

......Not one of them accurately displays information about this movie!

Five posters including the one at the top of the page, and in four of them Monty is in a suit!
In the movie, he's wearing his priest's frock 91% of the time!
I have yet to see a bad Alfred Hitchcock movie, and this one is no exception! I think I still have 33 more of Alfred's movies to watch, so expect a lot of AH over the next few months!

Monday, June 27, 2016

LOVE AFTER DEATH / Charles Abrams Productions Inc. - 1968

Here's an oddball flick from Argentina that has lots of murder and soft core sex! During a cataleptic fit, Montel is buried alive, a burial plotted by his greedy wife and several men, including her lover, Montel's doctor. Then, after exiting his grave, Montel goes on a sexual rampage!

Alternate title is UNSATISFIED LOVE, tag line reads... A shock thriller of lust & terror!

Here's Montel unable to speak out as his wife and her pals put their plan into action.

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our haunted coffin, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a sample from... LOVE AFTER DEATH!

Montel gets buried, but, digs himself out! I want to know how the Hell he got out of his freakin' coffin... Ahh, the awesome power of suspension of disbelief!!

in the meantime, Montel's wife is playing around with one of her lovers!

There are plenty of close up shots like this throughout the movie, saves on sets you know!

Anyway, Montel goes sex crazy and peeks in on these two women doing their thing. It looks like lesbianism was a popular sport in Argentina at the time, and, why not?!

Here, he gets caught in the act of watching two gals while hiding in their closet.

Montel finds this sexy girl at the park and goes to her apartment for some fun time!

There's also a detective that's trying to get to the bottom of the strange mystery. You can hear him in the sound clip asking questions and firing his revolver...

It's not every day that I get to use the term "spaz chop" but it definitely applies here. Leave a comment if you know where that term comes from!

Montel gets his hands on his evil wife, but, will he kill her or will he rip her clothes off and have sex?!.. Watch the movie to find out, it's on a triple feature Something Weird DVD in case you're interested.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

THE CREEPER - " It STRIKES...and STRIKES again! (1948)

Tonight's feature was released in 1948, involves cats, and is called "The Creeper!

Apparently I had never seen "The Creeper" before, and I always thought that this film was a sequel or follow up to the Rondo Hatton film titled "The Brute Man" where Rondo played a character called The Creeper, but................

................Boy was I wrong! This black cat is "The Creeper," but he's really quite innocent!

Janis Wilson is Nora Cavigny, a strange young lady who sleepwalks, and goes and gets her Dad's gun in the middle of the night! Janis Wilson was only in 7 films, this being the last of them, and she had enough, and quit acting at the age of 18! Too bad I think, because she is really quite a talented actress as you will see!

Wow! Because of the long shadows this sign looks like it would have been perfectly suited for a Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon episode!

On the left we have Eduardo (The Mummy's Hand, Foreign Correspondent, Monster From Green Hell) Cianelli as the fairly evil Dr.Van Glock, and on the right is Ralph (The Monster Maker, Weird Woman, The Monster And The Ape) Morgan as scientist with a conscience, and Nora Cavigny's Father, Dr. Lester Cavigny! These two are partners, but they are having a bit of a conflict right now!

A younger Doctor Jim Bordon and olde friend of Nora's is Onslow (Them, The Monster And The Girl) Stevens! He's joined here in the lab by his fiancé Gwen as played by June Vincent, and the cat named The Creeper (They didn't give cats credits back in the 40's)! June went on to be in many, many, many, many TV shows in the 50's and 60's!

Besides sleepwalking, Nora has lots of nightmares and an unreasonable fear of cats!

And there's a bit of a mental catfight between Gwen and Nora!

Nora's Dad and Dr. Glock had done some experiments on cats in Africa that somehow terrorized Nora, and now Dr. Glock wants to bring some of the cats back to continue the experiments! Nora's Dad disagrees, and it's not long before she finds him dead! She rushes to him, gets blood on her hands, and now she is the prime suspect in the murder of her Father!

More nightmares about experiments and cats in cages!

I read on IMDB that Janis quit acting because she didn't like the way she looked on film, but in my book, she was a master of the crazy eyes!

One of the great things about olde movies is, a lot of them like this clock in at a little over an hour, and that's prefect in my book! There's not a lot of wasted time! 
So, everything goes to Hell in a hand basket in a short amount of time. Nora is being pursued by something, but when she pulls the trigger, it's her olde friend Dr. Bordon!

Dr. Van Glock shows up just in time to help! 

But for some reason, he ain't feeling so well!

Maybe Nora's fear of cats is not so unreasonable after all!

Dr. Van Glock never does a full transformation, but the creepy cat hand is good enough!

Nora says, "AAAAAGHHHHHH!!"
"The Creeper" streams in decent quality for free on YouTube!
I have no idea what you're waiting for! Go kill an hour before it kills you!!